The First Responder Network is made up of members of the UQ Community. First Responders provide a safe and supportive environment for survivors of sexual assault and sexual harassment to receive information on the support services that are available.

Please note that First Responders are not counsellors and cannot provide counselling support. For counselling support, support making a report, academic, accommodation or financial support, along with other forms of support, please contact the Sexual Misconduct Support Unit (SMSU)

Members of the First Responder Network also have other supportive roles around the university including; UQ Ally Network, Mental Health Champions and Discrimination and Harassment Contact Officer (DHCO).

Find out more about the First Responder Network

Need emergency support?

If you are experiencing an emergency or need urgent support in relation to an experience of sexual assault or harassment, then you can call:

  • +61 7 3365 3333 UQ Security for on campus emergencies
  • 000 for immediate police or ambulance assistance
  • 1800 Respect 1800 737 732 for 24/7 counselling support
  • Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) 07 3646 5207 for 24/7 Acute Response
  • External community support options in Queensland

Contact a First Responder

The Network is not an emergency response or counselling service. If you need counselling please book an appointment with our Sexual Misconduct Support Unit. 

NamePronounsLanguages spoken

Organisational unit

LocationOther roleEmail
Aideen McInerney-Leo  The University of Queensland Diamantina InstituteTRI
Alana Shorttshe/her Duchesne CollegeSt Lucia
Ali Mills  Emmanuel CollegeSt LuciaUQ Ally, College 
Ann Srisakhonshe/herEnglish, ThaiFaculty of MedicineHerston
Bernadette Yates  Union CollegeSt Lucia
Catherine Fitzgerald  Student Support and Wellbeing ServicesSt LuciaUQ Ally,
Charlotte Keenan  School of PsychologySt Lucia
Chloe Ryan   St Lucia  
Christopher Lilburne  School of Chemical EngineeringSt LuciaUQ
Clare Scoble  Student Employability CentreSt LuciaUQ
Clare Tarlington  Student Support and Wellbeing ServicesSt Lucia 
Clemence Belleshe/herEnglish, FrenchFrazer InstituteTRI
Corinne Rice  School of Communication and ArtsSt Lucia

Courtney Wallingfordshe/her The University of Queensland Diamantina InstituteTRIUQ 
David Andersen  UQ CollegeSt LuciaUQ Ally, Mental Health First
Dayle Osborn  Southern QLD Rural Health with UQToowoombaMental Health 
Desiree Van Aswegen  Institute of Continuing and TESOL Education (ICTE)St Lucia
Diana McCluskey  School of Political Science and International StudiesSt Lucia
Dino Willoxthey/them Student Employability CentreSt Lucia
Dony Rodriguez Spanish, EnglishSchool of LawSt LuciaMental Health First 
Doortje Hoerstshe/herEnglish, DutchSchool of Human Movement and Nutrition SciencesSt Lucia
Ellie Woodsshe/they Student Support and Wellbeing ServicesSt Lucia 
Emma Campbellshe/herEnglish, FrenchWomen's College (Dean of Students)St Lucia
Emily Ascough  Student Support and Wellbeing ServicesSt Lucia
Enaam Alghamdishe/herEnglish, ArabicFrazer InstituteTRI
Eunice Ngunu  The Student CentreSt LuciaUQ Ally,
Franc Hayes  Student Support and Wellbeing ServicesSt Lucia
Flic Frenchshe/her UQ LibrarySt Lucia
Francesca Bartlett  TC Beirne School of LawSt Lucia
Gayle Harris  Women's College (Deputy Head of College)St Lucia
Gianni Ribeiroshe/her School of PsychologySt Lucia
Heather Stewart  UQ Business School St LuciaMental Health
Jacinta Sinclair  Student Support and Wellbeing ServicesSt LuciaMental Health First
Jacki Drinnenshe/herEnglishSchool of ArchitectureSt LuciaMental Health First
Jackie Fullershe/herEnglishStudent Support and Wellbeing ServicesSt LuciaUQ Ally, Mental Health
Jackie Gonzales  UQ Student Union (UQU)St LuciaMental Health
James Lewandowski-Cox  UQ LibrarySt LuciaUQ Ally,
Janice Kovacich  Planning and Business IntelligenceSt Lucia
Jenny Berkmanshe/her Frazer InstituteTRI
Jenny Munro Bahasa IndonesianSchool of Social SciencesSt Lucia
Jessica Sinclairshe/herEnglishSchool of Health and Rehabilitation SciencesSt Lucia
Jia Yi Heeshe/herEnglish, Mandarin Chinese, Hokkien ChineseFrazer InstituteTRI
Jo Williamsshe/her School of PharmacySt LuciaUQ Ally, DHCO, Mental Health First
Karen McKeeman  School of Clinical Medicine, Greater Brisbane Clinical School, Mental Health CentreHerston
Karin Sellberg German, EnglishSchool of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry/Centre for Western CivilisationSt LuciaUQ 
Katie Gollschewski  School of  Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information TechnologySt LuciaUQ
Katie Smith  Student Employability Centre, Global Experiences TeamSt LuciaUQ
Katsu Shikehe/theyEnglish, Japanese, MandarinStudent Support and Wellbeing ServicesSt LuciaUQ Ally, Mental Health First
Kayley Taaffeshe/her Student Support and Wellbeing ServicesSt Lucia
Kelly Matthews  Institute of Teaching and Learning InnovationSt Lucia
Keryn Eatonshe/her School of Agriculture & Food Sciences, Faculty of ScienceGattonUQ
Kristen Adlard  School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences, Faculty of Health and Behavioural SciencesSt Lucia
Kris Frost  Property and Facilities – Security SectionSt Lucia
Lara Atzenishe/her School of Mathematics and PhysicsSt Lucia
Lauren Aoudeshe/her Frazer InstituteTRI
Lena Oestreich  School of PsychologySt Lucia
Lesa Ostinishe/her TRI Scientific Services TeamTRI
Letitia Norton  Student Support and Wellbeing ServicesGatton
Lisa Dingwall  Faculty of Medicine, UQ Centre for Clinical ResearchSt LuciaUQ Ally, Mental Health
Louise Hallo  Emmanuel CollegeSt Lucia
Lynda Cheshire  School of Social Science (Head of School)
Lynda Shevellar  School of Social Science St LuciaUQ
Lyndell Schmidtshe/her UQ Vets - Clinical Study CentreGatton
Margaret Dunn  Student Support and Wellbeing ServicesSt Lucia
Marloes Dekker Nitert  School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, Faculty of ScienceSt LuciaUQ Ally, Mental Health First
Melita Gratwickshe/herEnglish, JapaneseInstitute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI)St LuciaMental Health First
Michael Crome  Cromwell CollegeSt Lucia
Mitchell Sullivanhe/him Mater Research Institute at UQTRI
Morgan Lovehe/him UQ LibrarySt LuciaMental Health 
Nancy Lachner  School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, Faculty of ScinecSt LuciaUQ Ally, Mental Health Champion,
Natalie Scottthey/them Student Support and Wellbeing Services, Faculty of Science, UQ VenturesSt LuciaUQ Ally, Mental Health First
Natasha Janszshe/they Mater Research Institute at UQTRI
Nikita Rosendahlshe/her/hers Mater Research Institute at UQTRI
Oriana Marchettishe/her UQ Vets - Clinical Study CentreGatton
Pamela Doherty  Student Support and Wellbeing ServicesSt LuciaUQ
Paris Renzella  School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, Faculty of ScienceSt Lucia
Paul Young  School of MusicSt Lucia 
Peter Walker  Grace CollegeSt LuciaUQ
Rachel Zheng  Faculty of Medicine, Child Health Queensland Clinical UnitQueensland Children’s Hospital, South BankUQ Ally,
Rani Whiddettshe/her Mater Research Institute at UQTRIUQ Ally, Mental Health First
Rebecca Argent  Graduate School, HDR Liaison Team HealthHerston
Rebecca Lush  Faculty of Medicine, School of Biomedical SciencesHerstonUQ
Rebekah Scotney  School of Veterinary ScienceGattonMental Health First Aid, Mental Health
Remash Ismail  School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences, Faculty of Health and Behavioural SciencesSt Lucia
Renee de Simone  Student Support and Wellbeing ServicesSt Lucia
Renee Patta  Faculty of Humanities and Social ScienceSt Lucia
Rita Lokshe/her School of Social Science, Michie BuildingSt Lucia
Roxana Paterson  Grace CollegeSt LuciaUQ
Ruby Wallace  Global Engagement St Lucia
Ruth Leeshe/her Mater Research Institute at UQMater Hill, South Brisbane
Ryan Ver Masshe/him School of PsychologySt LuciaUQ
Sabrina Monaghanshe/her School of Mathematics and Physics, Physics Annexe (06) (Reception)St Lucia
Sally Babidgeshe/herEnglish, SpanishSchool of Social ScienceSt LuciaUQ Ally, 
Sallyanne Graham  Student CentreSt LuciaUQ
Samantha Kempster  UQ Vets - Clinical Study CentreGatton
Sandy Richardson  Mater Research Institute at UQTRI
Sarah Kirkland  School of Psychology (Undergraduate Admin Officer)St Lucia
Sarah Robinsonshe/her School of Dentistry (School Manager)HerstonMental Health First
Sarah Walker  Grace CollegeSt Lucia
Sarah Watersshe/her Student Support and Wellbeing ServicesSt LuciaUQ RAPN Partner, Mental Health First
Selina Lucy  Student Support and Wellbeing ServicesSt LuciaUQ
Shamara Pitiyage   Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, School of Communication of ArtsSt LuciaUQ Ally
Simon Scott  Halls of ResidenceGatton
Soi Cheng Law English, Mandarin, MalayMater Research Institute at UQTRIUQ 
Sol Rojas-Lizana  School of LanguagesSt LuciaUQ Ally,
Sophie Simpsonshe/her Grace CollegeSt LuciaUQ
Sou McPhailshe/herEnglish, Thai, LaoDuchesne CollegeSt Lucia
Stacey Trimble  School of PharmacologyPACE 
Stephanie Workmanshe/her Mater Research Institute at UQTRI
Suaditya C Mohan (Suady)  School of Social ScienceSt LuciaUQ
Sumaira Hasnain  Mater Research Institute at UQTRIUQ
Tanae Davidson  Student Support and Wellbeing ServicesSt Lucia
Tania Kapp  Student Support and Wellbeing ServicesSt Lucia
Tracey Scott  UQ SportSt Lucia
Tyler Kiernan  St Leo's CollegeSt LuciaUQ 
Tyler Okimotohe/him UQ Business SchoolSt LuciaUQ
Valeska Wood  Student Support and Wellbeing ServicesSt LuciaUQ
Wayne Kollegger  Halls of ResidenceGatton
Yohan Nair  International HouseSt Lucia
Yvonne Thursbyshe/herEnglishSchool of DentistryHerston

*Contact with this First Responder will likely be via email and phone only as they generally sit externally to UQ campuses.