UQ Respect

Artwork by Sad Man Studio

Need emergency support?

If you are experiencing an emergency or need urgent support in relation to an experience of sexual assault or harassment, then you can call:

  • +61 7 3365 3333 UQ Security for on campus emergencies
  • 000 for immediate police or ambulance assistance
  • 1800 Respect 1800 737 732 for 24/7 counselling support
  • Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) 07 3646 5207 for 24/7 Acute Response

At UQ, we strive to ensure our campuses are a safe and respectful environment for all of our students and staff.

Respect is about treating all others with dignity and care.

October 2024

Sexual Violence Awareness Month is held in October to raise community awareness about sexual violence, promote the support options available to people affected by sexual violence, and continue to uphold the message that sexual violence will not be tolerated. This year’s theme is inspired by the ‘Start by Believing’ global campaign, transforming the way we respond to people who have experienced sexual violence.

Respect At UQ

Have you completed the Respect At UQ compulsory module?

It is compulsory for all enrolled students to complete the Respect At UQ module. 

Complete the Respect At UQ Module

Support, Report & Educate

If you are a survivor of sexual misconduct, help is available to you at UQ and in the broader community. We are here to support you without judgement.

UQ Support Options

Sexual Misconduct Support Unit (SMSU)

UQ's SMSU is a safe and supportive place for the UQ community to receive free, confidential guidance and support around sexual assault and sexual harassment. The SMSU can also provide support and information to people experiencing domestic and family violence. 

You can contact the SMSU by:

Find out more about the SMSU

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

UQ staff and their immediate family members can access a free and confidential wellbeing, coaching and counselling service through the EAP. The program is provided by PeopleSense, UQ's wellbeing and employee assistance provider, through qualified practitioners. 

To access the EAP:

  • call 1300 307 912 to make an appointment

If you are calling due to an urgent crisis and you have concerns for the welfare of yourself or a family member, tell the booking service and they can connect you with a crisis professional. 

Confidential phone counselling, manager assist and critical incident services are available 24/7. 

Making a Disclosure to the Sexual Misconduct Support Unit (SMSU)

You can make a disclosure of an experience of sexual misconduct to the SMSU via the disclosure form on the UQ Respect website.

By making a disclosure to the SMSU, you are not initiating a formal, investigative process. We will only use the information you provide to put you in contact with a member of the SMSU who can provide you information about your reporting options. The SMSU can also help you to access academic adjustments, accommodation and financial support. Students who are victim/survivors of sexual assault or harassment can access unlimited counselling sessions with an SMSU counsellor. 

Make an Anonymous Disclosure

You can make an anonymous disclosure of sexual misconduct via the disclosure form.

If you choose to make an anonymous disclosure and do not provide any contact details, the SMSU will be unable to contact you to offer you support or discuss your reporting options. However, both identified and anonymous reports of sexual misconduct will enable UQ to identify patterns in behaviour and provide us with information that can help us make UQ a safer, more supportive space.

Please note: if you are reporting an incident that you witnessed or that happened to another person, you should not include details that could identify the person subjected to the sexual misconduct unless you have their express permission to do so.

Reporting to the University – For Students

You can make a formal report of sexual misconduct by contacting the SMSU.

The SMSU can provide you with more information about the formal reporting process. They can also provide you with support and guidance throughout the formal reporting process. 

As part of the formal reporting process, an investigation will be required. You can have a support person present throughout the process.

  Read UQ's Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures

Reporting to the University – For Staff

You can make a report of sexual misconduct by contacting the SMSU or contacting the HR Client Partnering Team. If you choose to make a formal report, the SMSU can provide you with case management support throughout the process. You can access counselling support through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

As part of the formal reporting process, an investigation will be required. You can have a support person throughout this process. 

  Read UQ's Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures

Make a Third-Party Report

You can make a report about an incident you have witnessed or have been made aware of via the online portal. You should not provide details that could identify the person subjected to the sexual misconduct unless you have their expressed permission to do so. 

If a victim/survivor of sexual misconduct expresses that they do not want to make a report, or that they do not want a report made on their behalf, it’s important to listen to them and respect their choice. If you are concerned about a student’s wellbeing, you can request a welfare check

Reporting to Police

It is the right of the victim/survivor to choose whether they want to make a report to Police. The SMSU can provide information and guidance around the police reporting process.

Reporting to the Police will not affect your ability to access support through the SMSU or to make a report to the University. If you have made both a formal report to UQ and a report to the Police, in some cases the University’s investigation process may be paused while the police investigation process takes place. 

The Queensland Police website provides further information about reporting options and the investigation process.

Alternative Reporting Options (ARO)

ARO is an option for victim/survivors of sexual assault who want to provide Police with information about their experience, but do not want to make a formal complaint to Police. You have the option to make an anonymous report or elect to be contacted by a police officer to discuss your situation.

Police can use information provided through the ARO process to:
•    assist other prosecutions against an offender; and
•    protect the community by enabling police to devise strategies designed to reduce repeat offending.

You can learn more about ARO on the Queensland Police website.

Reporting to the eSafety Commissioner

eSafety is Australia’s independent regulator for online safety, and can help to remove serious online abuse, and illegal and restricted online content. 

You can report forms of online sexual misconduct, such as image-based abuse to eSafety. Image-based abuse occurs when a person shares, or threatens to share, intimate/sexualised images or videos of someone without their consent. 

You can make a report to eSafety via their website.

Other Reporting Options

Depending on the nature of your experience of sexual misconduct, there may be other reporting avenues available to you (for example, reporting to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency [Ahpra] or the Australian Human Rights Commission). The SMSU, along with other external support organisations, can provide further information about reporting options that may be available to you.


Consent is a vital part of all intimate relationships and sexual interactions. Ensure the safety of you and your partner/s by making sure everyone involved is informed and comfortable. When it comes to sex, consent is not an option. Find out more about why consent matters and how to access support.

Ethical Bystanders

An ethical bystander is someone who witnesses an event that concerns them, chooses to do something, and considers the safest way to intervene. Ethical bystanders play an essential role in keeping our campus safe and help build a culture of respect and zero-tolerance to violence. Find out how to be an ethical bystander.

Safety and respect online

As more and more of our lives move online, it is important to understand how to keep yourself safe and to practice respect online. Find out about safety, respect and online dating.

UQ Respect Training

UQ Respect delivers a variety of training sessions for both UQ staff members and students throughout the year. Explore and attend the training options available to you to help promote a safe and respectful UQ Community at the UQ Respect Training page.

Past Events

9 - 27 September
Join us for UQ's inaugural SEXtember, an initiative aiming to encourage sex-positive conversations about sex, sexuality, healthy relationships, sexual health and reproductive health.
From addressing the new Queensland Coercive Control legislation, to a movie night on LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Day, join us in raising awareness around Domestic and Family Violence Month this May. Click to see what's on.
Join UQ Respect for free workshops, snacks, coffee, Drag Trivia and more this 18 - 22 March and learn how you can play a part in creating safe, inclusive and respectful communities.
Look out for events happening at Gatton, St Lucia and online.

Safety on campus

You should never be made to feel unsafe or scared on campus, but if you need assistance on campus you can call UQ Security on 3365 1234 or download our app.

UQ has developed a location-based application for mobile devices that connects staff and students directly with UQ security officers or emergency services. You can also use SafeZone to find links to wellbeing support services, like Lifeline, and to report sexual misconduct.