Choosing to report your experience of sexual assault to the police can feel like a big decision. It is important you have access to information about the police reporting process
so that you can make an informed choice.
It is your right to choose if, and when, you want to report your experience.
You can choose to speak with a police officer about what the process involves before deciding whether to make a formal report.

Useful Contacts

Triple Zero (000)
Call 000 in an emergency for police or ambulance assistance.

You can seek police advice and report non-urgent police matters through Policelink. Phone: 131 444

Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)
SART is a team of social workers that provide free and confidential:

  • support and information to people (aged 14 and above) who have recently experienced sexual assault;
  • information about reporting options;
  • support during forensic medical examinations; and
  • practical and emotional support.

Phone: (07) 3646 5207 – available 24/7

Queensland Sexual Assault Helpline
The Queensland Sexual Assault Helpline provides free information, advice and counselling support. They can also provide referrals to services near you.
Phone: 1800 010 120 – available 7.30am – 11.30pm, every day

Sexual Misconduct Support Unit (SMSU)
The SMSU provides free, confidential support to members of the UQ community around sexual assault and harassment. They can provide information about your reporting options, including reporting to the police.
To make an appointment:

  • call (07) 3443 1000 – available 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
  • book an appointment online via StudentHub here.